Are There Factions at Work?
It’s a silly question to some
If you have a boss who clearly favors some subordinates, and especially if you’re not one of the chosen, this seems a silly question. It’s as plain as the nose on your face that factions, at least an in-group and an out-group, exist. But for those either new to work or to the concept, it can be hard to tell.
Are there factions at work?
There probably are. It’s just human nature for the boss to turn to people who’ve been with her a while, or whose judgment she values. So, factions are created—an in-group and then the rest of us.
But an in-group is not as important as whether its special status affects your ability to do good work and be respected for it. Here are some ways to assess this:
- If you see a couple of the in-group talking, do you feel free to go up and ask, “What’s up?” Do they respond by including you in the discussion? Or do you have to be sure it’s a non-work exchange before you break in?
- If something happens you don’t like, can you say it directly to the boss? Or is it more effective to complain to one of the inner circle in the hopes it’ll be passed on?
- Do you get your fair share of credit or, if one of the in-crowd claims your idea, do you need to shut up?
- Are inner circle meetings held behind closed doors, or could you request to sit in if you had a particular stake in the discussion?
The existence of an in-group isn’t necessarily a negative if you have a certain freedom to be who you are and not who the powers-that-be want you to be. If so, then whether you are in or out is unimportant and even meaningless. If you generally like the people and feel well-treated personally, it ups the chances that your work group’s factions are not destructive. (Although don’t confuse liking the work and liking the job. You may love the work but hate the conditions under which you do it).
Isn’t this kind of high school?
Again, this is a question asked only by those who aren’t adversely affected.
The answer: yes. It is high school—are you in the right clique? How do you get in or at least avoid being made fun of by them? How come some girls are in the running for Homecoming Queen and you’re not?
So, it is high school transposed to work. Which group has access to the perks and new assignments? If you don’t, how do you get in? How come some people get Employee of the Month over and over and you’re ignored?
If the in-group is not an issue where you work, you should thank your lucky stars and use the opportunity to further your career goals. But if it is, then high school or not, this undercurrent can influence your career. Probably in ways nobody will admit but can still lead to not getting promotions when you deserve them, credit going to somebody else, and the blow-hard carrying the day rather than you.
It is a high school world. Get over it. Next post: Are You Part of the Gang at Work?
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